In SQLite, BLOB is a data type that stands for Binary Large Object. It’s used to store binary data, such as images, audio, or video files, in a database. BLOB columns can hold data up to 2GB in size.

When you create a table in SQLite and specify a BLOB column, you’re telling SQLite to allocate enough space to hold binary data in that column. You can then insert binary data into the column using SQL commands like INSERT or UPDATE.


Example SQL statement that creates a table with a BLOB column:

    name TEXT,
    data BLOB

One thing to keep in mind when working with BLOB data in SQLite is that it can be less efficient than storing the data outside of the database. This is because when you retrieve BLOB data from the database, SQLite has to read it from the disk and transfer it to memory, which can be slower than accessing the data directly from a file.

Another consideration is that BLOB data can take up a lot of space in a database, which can impact performance and increase storage requirements. For this reason, it’s often recommended to only store small binary objects in SQLite, and to store larger files on disk.

Despite these limitations, the BLOB data type can be a useful tool for certain types of applications. For example, it can be used to store small images or thumbnails directly in the database, making it easier to manage and back up the data. It can also be used to store application data, such as serialized objects or binary data streams.