SQLite JSON functions

SQLite database provides a set of built-in functions that allow users to work with JSON data in their databases. These SQLite JSON functions enable users to easily manipulate JSON data, perform complex queries, and extract useful information from JSON documents.


Here are some benefits of using SQLite JSON functions:

1. Simplifies Data Storage: JSON is a popular format for data storage, and SQLite makes it easy to store JSON documents in a single database column. This saves time and effort in creating and managing multiple tables for different types of data.

2. Querying JSON data: SQLite provides a set of powerful JSON functions that allow developers to search and filter data stored in JSON format. For instance, json_extract() function allows extracting specific values from a JSON object based on a JSON path, while json_group_array() function aggregates data into an array.

3. Increased Flexibility: JSON data can be stored in a flexible format, as it allows nesting and hierarchical data structures. This flexibility enables developers to store complex data structures in a single database column, which can be queried and manipulated using the SQLite JSON functions.

4. Better Performance: SQLite’s JSON functions are optimized for fast and efficient data retrieval and manipulation. They are specifically designed to handle large amounts of JSON data, and can handle complex queries without any performance degradation.

5. Easier Data Migration: Many modern applications use JSON for data exchange, and SQLite’s support for JSON makes it easy to import and export data between different applications. This reduces the need for complex data transformations and ensures that data remains in its original format.

SQLite JSON functions

Here are some of the SQLite JSON functions that you can use:


The json() function is used to parse a JSON string and convert it to a SQLite value. It takes a single argument, which is the JSON string to be parsed. For example, to parse a JSON string and insert it into a table:

CREATE TABLE my_table (json_data text);

INSERT INTO my_table (json_data) 
VALUES (json('{"name": "John", "age": 30}'));


The json_extract() function is used to extract a value from a JSON object. It takes two arguments: the JSON object and the path to the value to be extracted. The path is specified using dot-separated keys. For example:

SELECT json_extract('{"name": "John", "age": 30}', '$.name'); 
Output: "John"


The json_array() function is used to create a new JSON array. It takes any number of arguments and returns a JSON array containing those values. For example:

SELECT json_array('John', 30, 'London'); 
Output: ["John", 30, "London"]


The json_object() function is used to create a new JSON object. It takes any number of key-value pairs and returns a JSON object containing those pairs. For example:

SELECT json_object('name', 'John', 'age', 30, 'city', 'London'); 
Output: {"name": "John", "age": 30, "city": "London"}


The json_type() function is used to determine the data type of a value in a JSON object. It takes two arguments: the JSON object and the path to the value. For example:

SELECT json_type('{"name": "John", "age": 30}', '$.name'); 
Output: "text"

SELECT json_type('{"name": "John", "age": 30}', '$.age'); 
Output: "integer"

These are just a few of the many SQLite JSON functions that are available. By leveraging these functions, you can easily work with JSON data in your SQLite databases and take advantage of the powerful querying capabilities that SQLite provides.

In conclusion, SQLite’s JSON functions provide a convenient and efficient way to store, query, and manipulate JSON data in a database. They simplify data storage, offer greater flexibility, and provide better performance, making them an essential tool for developers working with JSON data.